(Links to screenshots)



On Sunday, 5 September 2021 at 15:13:32 UTC+1 Stephen Illingworth wrote:

> Thanks for that, it was interesting reading. The problem he was describing 
> in the Doom case seems to be have been caused by the WASM program taking up 
> all the CPU time, meaning the browser itself is unresponsive. I've solved 
> that by using a Web Worker. From what I understand requestAnimationFrame() 
> is a different solution to the same problem. Somebody correct me if I'm 
> wrong.
> What is interesting though is the profile differences between his Doom 
> port and my 2600 emulator. The top image is from the Doom port:
> And this is from Web2600, over a similar time period:
> We can see a lot more gaps in the second case than the first, which would 
> account for the performance drop I think.
> Does this bring me closer to a solution?
> On Sunday, 5 September 2021 at 13:28:44 
>> I had read an article that may be useful (format was different so may not 
>> be the same) -->  https://github.com/diekmann/wasm-fizzbuzz  (goes from 
>> basic WASM to Doom)
>> The key thing in the Doom port that I recall was needed was to change the 
>> perspective of the owning thread (now the browser) so needed to ensure it 
>> was never blocked/ responded quickly.  When you read through you may find 
>> your answer or something that gives you an idea to start searching through 
>> in your code.  
>> Hope it helps, David

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