I recently used mkwinsyscall for the functions around creating 

e.g. Something like:
//sys   CreateAppContainerProfile(name *uint16, displayName *uint16, 
description *uint16, caps *windows.SIDAndAttributes, capsCount uint32, outSid 
**windows.SID) (hres error) = Userenv.CreateAppContainerProfile

(N.B. I would rather have used string type rather than *uint16 but there 
was no way to signal that this is a UTF-16 function prototype as the 
function name doesn't end in W, so the generated code used *uint8 - not the 
point of this discussion but I wonder if an annotation to //sys lines can 
be added to indicate generate UTF-16)

The error that is returned is an HRESULT, though mkwinsyscall treats it as 
a syscall.Errno. This works fine for printing the error, but I had hoped to 
use errors.Is(err, os.ErrExist) to handle the already exists case. This 
picks up ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS (0xB7) but unfortunately because  
CreateAppContainerProfile returns an HRESULT, it returns 0x800700B7, so  
errors.Is(err, os.ErrExist) returns false

So I suppose my question is, what is the best way to handle this? 
  - Should a hack be added to Errno functions (or even a wrapper around 
Errno creation?) to mask off the first word if it's 0x8007?
  - Should HRESULT be a different type to Errno much like I noticed someone 
recently added NTSTATUS (along with a way to mark an error as so in 
mkwinsyscall)? Can begin to implement Errors.Is for the Win32 facility at 

Hope I've made this clear..


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