... or, to put a crazy idea out there, we need to ask for extension of 
switch statement to support (v, err) tuples for a case argument...
On Sunday, September 19, 2021 at 3:43:36 PM UTC-6 david....@gmail.com wrote:

> On Sun, Sep 19, 2021 at 5:19 PM roger peppe <rogp...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> In some ways, the existing API is arguably more ergonomic than the 
>> originally proposed generic version, as it's possible to use `errors.As` in 
>> a switch statement (eg to test several possible types of error) which isn't 
>> possible with the multi-return `As` variant.
> Hmm, that's a good point.
> However, the main reason I like the two-return-value version more is that 
> you can use it like a normal type-assertion in an if-statement's init 
> section.
>> A minor variant of the existing API could be:
>> ```
>> func As[E error](err error, asErr *E) bool
>> ```
>> which makes the API a little clearer without changing the usage. Sadly we 
>> can't make that change without breaking compatibility.
>> Unfortunately, in order to use this proposed version, you still need to 
> pre-declare the variables for each type before the switch/case.
> I've honestly found it more ergonomic to use a if/else if/ block rather 
> than a switch/case because it lets me contain the scope of these variables 
> anyway.
> I suppose a simple wrapper that can be used with type-assertions inside a 
> switch/case block would be:
> ```
> func AsBool[E error](err error, asErr error) bool {
>     ae, ok := As[E](err)
>     if ok {
>          asErr = ae
>     }
>     return ok
> }
> ```
> (this would definitely need a better name)
> Then you'd be able to almost treat your switch/case like a type-switch 
> without needing to pre-declare a variable for every case.
> ```
> var asErr error
> switch {
>    case errors.AsBool[*os.PathError](err, &asErr):
>        fmt.Printf("Path Error! ae: %v", asErr.(*os.PathError))
>    case errors.AsBool[syscall.Errno](err, &asErr):
>        fmt.Printf("ae: %d", asErr.(syscall.Errno))
> }
> ```
> However, I think it would be nicer to use the (originally proposed) 
> two-return errors.As with if/else if.
> ```
> if pe, ok := errors.As[*os.PathError](err); ok {
>     fmt.Printf("Path Error: %v", pe)
> } else if en, ok := errors.As[syscall.Errno](err); ok {
>     fmt.Printf("errno %[1]d: %[1]s", en)
> }
> ```
> Since it looks like the dev.typeparams branch has been merged into master, 
> I was just thinking about how we'd add the two-return-value/generic version 
> of As to the errors package (for go 1.18).
> Given that the original proposal's code works pretty much as-is, I think 
> the biggest barrier would be a good name. (given that As is already taken)
>> On Sun, 19 Sep 2021, 21:15 David Finkel, <david....@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On Sun, Sep 19, 2021 at 4:02 PM David Finkel <david....@gmail.com> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> You might be interested in the original draft proposal for errors.As:
>>>> https://go.googlesource.com/proposal/+/master/design/go2draft-error-inspection.md#the-is-and-as-functions
>>>> In particular, it originally specified that errors.As would take a 
>>>> type-parameter. (the version of generics that was proposed concurrently 
>>>> with that proposal was not accepted so they had to go with the current 
>>>> (clunkier) interface).
>>> Hmm, actually, the code in that proposal for the generic version of 
>>> errors.As works almost unchanged: 
>>> https://go2goplay.golang.org/p/ddPDlk00Cbl (I just had to change the 
>>> type-parameter syntax)
>>>> On Sun, Sep 19, 2021 at 5:33 AM Haddock <ffm...@web.de> wrote:
>>>>> I like the way error handling is done in the xerror package. Things 
>>>>> become more concise, but remain very easy to read and understand as in 
>>>>> plain Go errorhandling.
>>>>> Here is the example of how to use xerror.As:
>>>>> _, err := os.Open("non-existing")
>>>>>     if err != nil {
>>>>>         var pathError *os.PathError
>>>>>         if xerrors.As(err, &pathError) {
>>>>>             fmt.Println("Failed at path:", pathError.Path)
>>>>>         }
>>>>>     }
>>>>> My idea is to make this even shorter like this:
>>>>> _, err := os.Open("non-existing")
>>>>> myerrors.As(err, os.PathError) {
>>>>>      pathError -> fmt.Println("Failed at path:", pathError.Path)
>>>>> }
>>>>> Think something like that has so far not been suggested. That's why I 
>>>>> thought it is justified to drop comment.
>>>>> myerrors.As would also do the check if err is nil. The code in my 
>>>>> sample is not valid Go code, I know. It is only pseudo code to show the 
>>>>> idea.
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