FYI I went ahead and filed

On Fri, Feb 11, 2022 at 4:57 PM Axel Wagner <>

> On Fri, Feb 11, 2022 at 3:14 PM Kamil Ziemian <>
> wrote:
>> "> type someDifferentInt[float64] int
>> I can't see why the parser can't see that this should (if anything) be
>> interpreted as an array type declaration. To me, this seems like a
>> regression. I'd suggest maybe filing an issue."
>> I think I know the reason. You can write
>> > type someArrayWithThreeInt [3]int
>> which is proper definition of new type that under the hood is just array
>> of three int. Due to Go rules about names, white spaces and how Go parser
>> work, this is equivalent (I think so) to
>> > type someArrayWithThreeInt[3] int
> Yes. It is clear why the parser would try and parse it as an array type
> declaration.
> But as you observed, it doesn't do that in go 1.18 - otherwise it would
> output the error message of "invalid array bound".
> I can't see a syntactical ambiguity, though. The series of tokens `type A
> [ B ] C` can, AFAICT, only be parsed as an array type declaration, generics
> or not (if there where *two* identifiers in the brackets, it would be
> something else, because that could be a generic type declaration. But not
> with one).
> So, to me, this seems like a regression. The parser should parse this as
> an array declaration and the type checker should output the helpful error
> message, that the array bounds are invalid.
> There are some tests for this error message:
> This case is not covered by them, which is probably why this change went
> unnoticed.
> I don't know if I should filing the issue. There is already 5k+ issues and
>> a lot of work for Go developers, I don't want to add another if there is
>> not good enough reasons.
> This is why I said that this seems like a regression and suggested that
> you file an issue. We have an error message for this particular mistake. We
> have tests to see that the right error message is printed when it happens.
> We clearly care about providing helpful errors. The error message doesn't
> appear in a case where it seems that it should.
> All of these surmise to a good reason to file an issue.
> Since this can possible break some code, I heisted about that. Better
>> gophers should look at that.
> This is purely about changing the error message from the compiler, not
> changing whether or not code is being accepted. There is absolutely no
> question that `type A[3] int` should continue to compile fine. There is no
> question that `type A[float64] int` shouldn't. It's just that the error for
> the latter case should include the "invalid array bounds" message.
> Also note that `gofmt` will automatically reformat this code to be clear
> about the intention. So, I wouldn't worry about it being unreadable if
> people do.
>> Even if writing "type someArrayWithThreeInt[3] int" is evil, wicked
>> thing, we know that everything can broke something to someone (
>> and Go backward compatibility police is quite
>> strong. I want to write another 5k+ issue about thing that cannot be
>> improved.
>> Best,
>> Kamil
>> piątek, 11 lutego 2022 o 14:47:07 UTC+1 Kamil Ziemian napisał(a):
>>> Axel I agree that "But there is at least some potential benefit to
>>> allowing it.". But, by my humble understanding, true question is "Would Go
>>> still feel likes Go after this?". This question is one of the reasons why
>>> generics was so long, decade or even more, in the making. Somewhere on
>>> GitHub there is a discussion about unused type of arguments in the
>>> function. I think they agree that with benefits of hindsight you should be
>>> force to write func f(_ int) ... for any unused argument, that is need for
>>> function signature or some similar reason. But, now this will be to much
>>> breaking of backward compatibility with to little benefit. So I think it is
>>> worth pondering now, even if we it is already to late to change anything in
>>> Go 1.18.
>>> "As I said, I'm not 100% yet on whether this is a good idea and much
>>> less if that would be enough reason to keep allowing unused type
>>> parameters." I like your approach. As I understand your code, because type
>>> inference works only on types of arguments, not on types of return values,
>>> you define a somepkg.ID to be just a string, that carries information about
>>> two additional types. This allows Go type inference algorithm infer type of
>>> return value from ID value and put it into place of return type of
>>> particular instantiation of generic function. Am I right?
>>> You are almost surly more experience Go programmer than me, so anything
>>> that I write next may be just silly. Ian Lance Taylor give us one
>>> Go-proverb-like advice about generics in Go: "Write code, don't design
>>> types". Was your code created according to this rule? It doesn't look like
>>> that to me, but I'm in no case someone who should judge it. Better gophers
>>> should look at it and decide if this is legitimate use of type parameters.
>>> My guts tell me that is not what I want to work with. It is some
>>> workaround of type interference algorithm, by putting too much information
>>> in one humble string-under-the-hood type. Dave Cheney said once that "Zen
>>> of Python" is also valid in Go and maybe better followed by Go programmers
>>> than by Python programmers. And this seems to be a breaking of rule
>>> "Explicit is better implicit" and, more importantly, of Go proverb "Clear
>>> is better than clever". But, again, so true gopher should judge your code,
>>> not me. I just write this to start some discussion about that and I
>>> remember that you yourself have doubts about it.
>>> Best,
>>> Kamil
>>> piątek, 11 lutego 2022 o 13:56:54 UTC+1 Kamil Ziemian napisał(a):
>>>> Thank you Jan Marcel. I see now that I wasn't precise enough. I
>>>> understand that '[' and ']' are just tokens, even I have only intuitive
>>>> understanding of concept of token. My problem is that as Ian Lance Taylor
>>>> and other people said many times: adding generics will make Go more
>>>> complicated. My problem is not in understanding why it is more complicated,
>>>> but to accept disturbing cases of it becoming so. It less question of
>>>> intellectually understanding, more about "feeling of Go". Which is of
>>>> course hard to defined.
>>>> I copied compilations errors, because in many cases I don't find Go
>>>> compilers errors very useful. Don't get me wrong, in many cases there are
>>>> fine, but messages as
>>>> > type someDifferentInt[float64] int
>>>> > error: float64 (type) is not an expression
>>>> are not something that I understand. I often end up ignoring the
>>>> message and just stare for few minutes in the line where the error was
>>>> found, compare it to working examples, tweak code a little bit and find
>>>> what happens. I hope that someone give me some advise how to deal with
>>>> that, that Go errors are going to be even harder to me to read. Even if
>>>> this advise is "Just accept it and carry on", it will be valuable.
>>>> Best,
>>>> Kamil
>>>> piątek, 11 lutego 2022 o 13:38:44 UTC+1
>>>> napisał(a):
>>>>> On Fri, Feb 11, 2022 at 12:51 PM Kamil Ziemian <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Can someone explain me, why compiler can't throw an error when it
>>>>>> find unused type parameter? I like that in Go unused variable, or import,
>>>>>> is compile time error and I would appreciate the same behavior with 
>>>>>> unused
>>>>>> type parameters.
>>>>> I'm not sure it's reason enough, but I do have a case where I want to
>>>>> have unused type-parameters on a type.
>>>>> Essentially, I have
>>>>> type ID string
>>>>> func Call(ctx context.Context, id ID, req Message) (Message, error)
>>>>> which does an RPC-like call. It's used as
>>>>> r, err := framework.Call(ctx, somepkg.ID, somepkg,Request{…})
>>>>> resp := r.(somepkg.Response)
>>>>> With generics, this would be
>>>>> type ID string
>>>>> func Call[Req, Resp Message](context.Context, ID, Req) (Resp, error)
>>>>> But this requires writing
>>>>> resp, err := framework.Call[somepkg.Request, somepkg.Response](ctx,
>>>>> somepkg.ID, somepkg.Request{…})
>>>>> as return types can't be inferred. Instead, I plan to do
>>>>> type ID[Req, Resp Message] string // unused type-parameters
>>>>> func Call[Req, Resp Message](context.Context, ID[Req, Resp], Req)
>>>>> (Resp, error)
>>>>> which allows `somepkg` to declare
>>>>> var ID = framework.ID[MyRequest, MyResponse]("my-name")
>>>>> letting the client write
>>>>> resp, err := framework.Call(ctx, somepkg.ID, somepkg.Request)
>>>>> Now somepkg.ID carries both types and is in an argument, so both
>>>>> types can be inferred.
>>>>> As I said, I'm not 100% yet on whether this is a good idea and much
>>>>> less if that would be enough reason to keep allowing unused type
>>>>> parameters. But there is at least some potential benefit to allowing it.
>>>>>> I need to go for a while, I will go back with more questions about
>>>>>> what you can get when using "[]" in Go.
>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>> Kamil
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