Dear all,

Today I tried out the new generics support in Go for the first time by 
implementing Dijkstra's algorithm for the shortest path in a directed 
graph.  In case it's interesting to somebody, here are my impressions, code 
is at .

The key parts of my code are:

type Vertex[edge any] interface {
Edges() []edge

type Edge[vertex any, length constraints.Ordered] interface {
From() vertex
To() vertex
Length() length

func ShortestPath[edge Edge[vertex, length], vertex Vertex[edge], length 
constraints.Ordered](start, end vertex) ([]edge, error) { ...}

My comments/questions:

   - I found generics reasonably easy to use.  This was my first experience 
   with generics, and I went wrong only once.  Overall, writing the code was 
   - Since I am using the beta release, I have to type "go1.18beta2" to 
   call go.  Sometimes I typed "go" accidentally, and I found the resulting 
   error messages often confusing and unhelpful.  For example, "go test" says 
   "package constraints is not in GOROOT".  I wonder whether in case of errors 
   the go command should show a message if the go version in go.mod is newer 
   than the current version.
   - "go doc" is still sometimes confused about generics.  When I type 
   "go1.18beta2 doc Vertex" the output claims that 
   Vertex "has unexported methods".  The message is misleading, it is cause by 
   Vertex embedding "comparable".  Is this worth reporting as a bug?
   - To me it is not intuitive why "comparable" is built intro the language 
   but "Ordered" is in an external package.
   - I have not managed to make it possible for ShortestPath() to 
   automatically infer the type parameters.  Is there a trick I have missed?
   - Currently I am using constraints.Ordered for the edge length.  This 
   currently works, but I'm slightly cheating here since I am also using "+" 
   on the edge lengths.  If in the future new ordered types were added to  
   constraints.Ordered, my code might break.  Is there a way to say "I need <= 
   and +" (short of enumerating all types)?
   - When checking for negative edge lengths, I need the zero value for my 
   instance of constraints.Ordered.  Currently I am using a separate, 
   uninitialised variable for this.  Is there a better way to say "x <= 0" 
   when x is of a type which matches constraints.Ordered?
   - I needed to reverse a slice in-place.  Would a function to do this 
   make a good addition to
   - The "func ShortestPath..." line is hard to read and quite long.  I 
   didn't find a good place for a line break either.  Any ideas for making 
   this more readable?

I'd be happy to receive feedback about my code.

All the best,

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