On Wed, 2022-03-09 at 03:37 -0800, christoph...@gmail.com wrote:
> I'm translating a scientific C program into Go that is doing some
> 64bit floating point operations.
> In this process I check that the same input yields the same output.
> Unfortunately they don't yield the same result, though the
> computation is simple. It is as follow. I receive a 64bit integer
> value.
> This value is converted to float64/double, and divided by 2^64.
> The resulting number is multiplied by 1e8.
> With C I get 41 6E 84 FD 00 09 90 D7, with Go I get 41 6E 84 FD 00 09
> E6 8E. The last 15bits are different. The computation is performed
> with the same computer.
> Could it be that the C program is performing the computation with
> long double (80 bit) precision and that Go is doing it with 64bit
> precision ?
> Is there something I could do about it because that might be a red
> flag for replacing the C program with a Go program.

This is not very surprising depending on the algorithms that are being
used/the problem that is being solved. Some problems are fundamentally
difficult to solve exactly and the nature of floating point makes them
sensitive to the precise set of operations used, intermediate rounding
and the order of operations (even for operations that are commutative
in theory). As Robert said, knowing the C compiler will be important,
and I'd go further, knowing which platform you are building the Go
program on can be important due to differences in how floating point
operations are rendered into machine code by the compiler, or even how
the processor orders apparently commutative operations.

Assuming the values that you've pasted above are big endian, then the
Go value is within a 1e12th of the value calculate by C (
https://go.dev/play/p/dn7G2LI75RC). This is not terrible, and maybe
that level of precision is all that can be promised by the algorithm
(and believing digits smaller that 1e-12 is dangerous). Alternatively
there is no fundamental limit at this point and there is a better more
stable algorithm that you can use (though you are only four orders of
magnitude from the machine epsilon
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Machine_epsilon, so be aware).

Floats are tricky beasts and can easily trip people up. I would suggest
that you read
https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E19957-01/806-3568/ncg_goldberg.html (and
the more friendly https://floating-point-gui.de/).

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