On Mon, May 2, 2022 at 7:44 PM will....@gmail.com <will.fau...@gmail.com>

> ```
> type Slice1000[T any] struct {
>     xs *[1000]T
>     len, cap int
> }
> func (s Slice1000[T]) Get(i int) T {
>     // ...
>     return s.xs[i]
> }
> func (s Slice1000[T]) Set(i int, x T) {
>     // ...
>     s.xs[i] = x
> }
> var xs1, xs2 [1000]int
> var a = Slice1000[int]{&xs1, 1000, 1000}
> var b = Slice1000[int]{&xs2, 1000, 1000}
> var c = a == b
> ```
> Do you expect `c` to be true? If not (it's false, by the way), then why
> would you expect `make([]int, 2) == make([]int, 2)` to be true?

No. Did you actually try your hypothetical `make([]int, 2) == make([]int,
2)`? When I do so using the source below this reply the Go compiler emits
the error "slice can only be compared to nil". Which is what I expect given
the specification for the Go language. This seems like an example of the XY
Problem <https://xyproblem.info/>. What caused you to open this thread?

package main

import (

func main() {
fmt.Printf("%v\n", make([]int, 2) == make([]int, 2))

Kurtis Rader
Caretaker of the exceptional canines Junior and Hank

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