I'm having trouble understanding what should be a trivial issue.

I have the following file structure:

├── go.mod
├── main.go
├── p1
│   └── p1.go
└── p2
    └── p2.go

The files are small and simple.

 -- go.mod
module wp

go 1.18

-- main.go
// main.go
package main

import (

func main() {

-- p1/p1.go
// p1.go
package p1

import (

func P() {

-- p2.go
// p2.go
package p2

import (

func P() {

In main.go I'm trying to call a function in packages p1 and p2. In package 
p1 p1.go is trying to call a function in package p2, and in package p2 
p2.go is trying to call a function in package p1. Simple, right?

However, running "go build ." in the top level directory says:

package wp
        imports wp/p1
        imports wp/p2
        imports wp/p1: import cycle not allowed

Is this because p1 imports p2, which imports p1, which imports p2, ...?

How can this program be made to work? I've tried many things, which all 
lead back
to the situation I describe above.

On a separate but similar note, I originally had another file in the top 
level directory that
contained a function I wanted to call from one of the packages. (I know 
this isn't a good idea, but I'm rewriting existing non-Go code into Go). 
This also failed to build for similar
reasons. Researching the issue showed several postings claiming that this 
possible. Is this true?

Jon Forrest

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