Hi Guys, is it possible to implement generic, efficient binary search using 
generics or interfaces. So i'll have some index, and data inside single 
struct and then could just define a comparison function between 2 variables 
of same type index which will return bool.

Will have 20-30 million datapoints

type abc struct {
index  uint32
data1 []byte
data2 []string
type bcd struct {
index  [4]byte
data1 []byte
data2 []string

a = []abc{...}
b = []bcd{...}
find(a, 217621)
find(b, [4]byte{1,2,54,11})

Currently i have this, which is probably incorrect:
type comparable[TC any] interface {
compare(TC, TC) bool

func bin[T comparable](data []T, find T) int {

Is that even possible to do efficiently or i should just go with writing 
separated code for each struct type ?

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