On Tue, Nov 1, 2022 at 10:49 PM Brian, son of Bob <brianwei...@gmail.com>

> Can anyone explain these gotchas (demo <https://go.dev/play/p/g40KMK-zsNk>)?
> I've tried reading articles on this [one
> <https://go.dev/blog/slices-intro>, two
> <https://codeburst.io/a-comprehensive-guide-to-slices-in-golang-bacebfe46669>]
> but they don't go into enough detail.
> *Slight gotcha #1: arr[:N] only creates a linked slice when N < len(arr)
> and arr[N:] only creates a linked slice when N>0.*
> E.g. `y` is linked here:
>     y := x[:len(x) - 1]
> and here:
>     y := x[1:]
> But not here
>     y := x[:len(x)]
> or here:
>     y := x[0:]

There is no "linked" slice. A slice is simply three values: pointer to an
array, length, and capacity. If x is a slice, then



y.array = &x.array[j]

So x[0:] is simply equal to x, and x[1:] is a slice that doesn't have the
first element of x.

> Also AFAICT, it's impossible create a link to an empty/nil slice unless
> you use pointers.  And I'm not sure if it's possible to create a linked
> slice that looks at all of the elements in the original without using a
> pointer.
> I kind of understand where the Go designers were coming from since it is
> probably more efficient to avoid copying all the time.  Though by that
> logic, I'd still think x[0:] would create a linked slice.

This is not about efficiency. An array is a fixed-length data structure,
and if you pass arrays around, you'll get copies of it. A slice is a view
of an array.

> *Gotcha #2: Appending to a linked slice affects the original slice but not
> the other way around*
> E.g. if `y` is linked to `x` via `y :=  x[1:], then:
> - appending to `y` *might* affect x (see Gotcha #3!)
> - appending to `x` won't affect `y`
> If there is a link, why does it not work both ways?

Appending to a slice will append the element to the underlying array if the
slice has capacity. Otherwise, it will allocate a larger array, copy the
old one into the new array, and append to the new array. Because of this,
if you do:


If y has enough capacity, then both x and y will point to the same array
that will contain elem. If not, a new array will be allocated, elem will be
appended to it, and x will point to that new array while y will continue to
point to the old array.

> *Gotcha #3: Using variadic args to append to a linked slice doesn't affect
> the other one*
> If `y` is linked to `x` via `y :=  x[:len(x) - 1], then
> - append(y, 1) affects x
> - append(y, 1, 2) doesn't affect x
> I really don't get this one.

This is same as the above case.

> Thanks for any insights!
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