On Sun, Nov 06, 2022 at 01:45:53PM +0530, Nikhilesh Susarla wrote:

>> Per the Go spec[1], an identifier consists of a Unicode letter followed by
>> zero or more Unicode letters or digits. The character పే is in the Unicode
>> category nonspacing mark rather than the category letter.
> So, if the unicode letters are there in the nonspacing mark as you
> mentioned they can't be used right ?

I sense the source of your misunderstanding might be rooted in your lack of
certain basics about Unicode. You seem to call "a letter" anything which may
appear in a text document (a Go source code file is a text document) but this
it not true. Maybe that's just a terminological problem, but still the fact
is, the Unicode standard calls "letters" a very particular group of things
among those the Unicode standard describes. To give a very simplified example,
in the text string "foo bar" there are six letters (five distinct) and one
space character which is not a letter. The charcter being discussed is not a
letter in Unicode, either.

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