Just checking that you came across this already?

gRPC can't be implemented natively in browsers. You can sending something 
gRPC-like and then convert it back to gRPC at the server.  But for 
bi-directional streaming, I think you need to look at Websockets or 
Server-Sent Events.

On Friday, 2 December 2022 at 14:06:34 UTC Sankar wrote:

> Hi,
> I have used gRPC for some simple applications, where the server is in 
> Golang and the client is also another golang application. I have primarily 
> worked in the backend and have done a lot of gRPC communication among the 
> backend services using the likes of gRPC streams and golang.
> Now for the first time, I am trying to implement a web application. The 
> client apps will be done in react-native. So I was thinking of using the 
> javascript gen code for the client libraries.
> However I read from some blogposts, when I searched for how to use gRPC in 
> javascript, I read that gRPC cannot be used for consumer facing 
> applications and is only fit for backend applications. I read that grpc 
> streaming will not work with Browser based applications.
> Also I read that gRPC will not scale if there are millions of user 
> requests coming from browsers. I am sure that gRPC can handle a lot of 
> backend volume, but I have not used with a lot of parallel connections. 
> So I wanted to ask, if gRPC is used by any consumer facing applications, 
> where the backend  is done in Go and the front end is done in some form of 
> javascript framework, with a few million users.
> Any feedback, suggestions, links, etc. on this topic are also welcome.
> Thanks.

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