Use the json package to parse the incoming data. Transform it as you
please. Use the json package to format the output.

I'm not sure I see the problem.

On Sat, Dec 3, 2022, 10:47 PM Diogo Baeder <> wrote:

> Hi there, sorry for weighting in so late in the game, but I just started
> again to learn Go and was thinking why the language still doesn't have a
> tuple type.
> Now, imagine this scenario: I have a web application which has to access a
> webservice that responds with JSON payloads; These payloads are a list of
> values, where each value is a smaller list like '[20220101, 1.234, "New
> York"]'. And these smaller lists follow the same type sequence: int64,
> float64, string. Suppose that I want to filter those values and send a
> response to the client, with the data structure unchanged (same format and
> types). Today, it doesn't seem to be possible to do that in Go, unless I do
> some dirty hack like decoding to '[]any' and then cast to the other types,
> and then hack again to put these values in the response to the client.
> I totally understand the reasoning for preferring the usage of structs for
> heterogeneous data (and I myself do prefer them, they're much more powerful
> in general), but there's real world data that's available like in the
> example above, and we just can't go on changing them at their sources. I
> might be mistaken (please let me know if it's the case), but it seems like
> Go is missing an opportunity to interoperate with what's a fundamental data
> structure in many other languages (Python, Rust etc). I'm having a lot of
> fun learning to use the language, and would be happy to see this feature
> being implemented at the core.
> (Maybe what I said above is total BS, I acknowledge that since I'm an
> almost complete ignorant in the language)
> Cheers!
> On Thursday, April 19, 2018 at 1:03:55 PM UTC-3 Louki Sumirniy wrote:
>> Multiple return values. They do kinda exist in a declarative form of
>> sorts, in the type signature, this sets the number and sequence and types
>> of return values. You could even make functions accept them as also input
>> values, I think, but I don't think it works exactly like this. I'm not a
>> fan of these things because of how you have to nominate variables or _ and
>> type inference will make these new variables, if you  := into whatever the
>> return was.
>> I'm not sure what the correct word is for them. Untyped in the same way
>> that literals can be multiple types (especially integers) but singular in
>> their literal form.
>> On Thursday, 19 April 2018 16:06:42 UTC+3, Jan Mercl wrote:
>>> On Thu, Apr 19, 2018 at 2:51 PM Louki Sumirniy <>
>>> wrote:
>>> > Sorry for the self-promotion but it was relevant in that I was working
>>> on how to tidy up the readability of my code and needed multiple returns
>>> and simple untyped tuples were really not nearly as convenient as using a
>>> type struct.
>>> I have no idea what you mean by 'untyped tuples' because Go does not
>>> have tuples, or at least not as a well defined thing. I can only guess if
>>> you're trying to implement tuples in Go with an array, slice or a struct,
>>> ...? To add to my confusion, Go functions can have as many return values as
>>> one wishes just fine, ie. I obviously do not even understand what problem
>>> you're trying to solve. Sorry.
>>> --
>>> -j
>> --
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