Not quite sure if this is a bug but it's annoying:

If the example tested string contains a trailing space before a newline, 
the test always fails no matter how.
// this test passes 
func ExampleFormat() {
    // Output:
    // a 
    // b 
// this test fails no matter we put "a" or "a " in the first output line. 
func ExampleFormat() { 
    fmt.Println("a \nb") 
    // Output:
    // a
    // b

The doc <> says "The comparison 
ignores leading and trailing space." I guess what's going on here is that 
it cut the trailing space in the desired output, but doesn't handle the 
space in the practical output if it's before a newline. Because the 
practical output may come from a 3rd party library, we have to respect how 
they print things.

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