I'm using the reasonably new FileSystem style to do the usual directory walk
processing every file in the usual recursive manner.
I can't figure out how to get the directory data (the path up to the last /)
even though I can see it in the output.

I am missing the proper name of the getter, or perhaps a cast/type assertion


The key code is
    fsys := os.DirFS(".")
    fs.WalkDir(fsys, ".", func(p string, d fs.DirEntry, err error) error {
            fmt.Printf("%s  struct: %T  %v\n", p, d, d)

which prints "'p" the current file name and extension
the type of the fs.DirEntry and then the fsDirEntry structure

Something like this:
csvtsd/csvtsd.go  struct: *os.unixDirent  &{../csvtsd csvtsd.go 0 <nil>}
csvtsd/csvtsd_test.go  struct: *os.unixDirent  &{../csvtsd csvtsd_test.go 0 
csvtsd/go.mod  struct: *os.unixDirent  &{../csvtsd go.mod 0 <nil>}

You can see that the "p" is typically the path and filename
the type is a  *os.unixDirent 
and there are four fields in the Dirent, the path (up to the last /)
the filename and extension, and two other fields.


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