On Sat, Mar 4, 2023 at 5:49 PM Lenny <developer.lenn...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The effective go documentation doesn't really go into detail of whether or
> not I should try to name my variables as short as possible even though that
> is discouraged because of readability

Lookup "bike shedding <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_of_triviality>".
Whether a very short variable name (e.g., "i") or very long name (e.g.,
"CurrentIndex") is appropriate depends on context. And that context is not
just a particular language feature (e.g., a "range" loop in Go) but also
the idioms employed by a particular project. Whether a particular name
maximizes readability depends on the context -- not the number of
characters in the name.

Kurtis Rader
Caretaker of the exceptional canines Junior and Hank

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