On Mon, Mar 13, 2023 at 9:41 AM Van Fury <furyva...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Relating to my previous question, I have been reading but it is still not
> clear to me what raw binary is, how is it different from
> text formatted binary (fmt.Sprintf("%b", s1s2Byte))?
> In my problem above I need to encode s1+s2 to raw binary before sending
> the result to the server
> which then decodes the raw binary back to s1+s2.

At this point I think we are looking at an XY problem
<https://xyproblem.info/>. Your s1 and s2 string variables are sequences of
raw bytes; i.e., "raw binary". It would probably help us help you if you
more fully described the problem rather than focusing on your solution.
Especially since your solution doesn't work. In fact, your solution can't
work without imposing more structure on the encoding to make it possible
for the recipient to know where s1 ends and s2 begins.

On Mon, Mar 13, 2023 at 5:39 PM Van Fury <furyva...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Do you mean encoding should be
>> rawdata := fmt.Print("%016d%s%s", len(s1), s1,s2)
>> or
>> rawdata := fmt.Printf("%016d%s%s", len(s1), s1,s2)
>> On Monday, March 13, 2023 at 4:36:50 PM UTC+2 Alex Howarth wrote:
>>> You might be looking for strconv.ParseUint()
>>> https://pkg.go.dev/strconv#ParseUint
>>> https://go.dev/play/p/qAO9LfLD41D
>>> On Mon, 13 Mar 2023 at 07:24, Van Fury <fury...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Sorry I did not frame my question properly but what I would like to do
>>>> is to
>>>> encode concatenated s1 and s2 into raw binary and then decode the raw
>>>> binary
>>>> back to s1 and s2.
>>>> On Friday, March 10, 2023 at 11:36:09 PM UTC+2 Alex Howarth wrote:
>>>>> If s1 and s2 are a fixed length then you can just slice up the decoded
>>>>> string based on the lengths. If they are of a variable length, you'll need
>>>>> a separator in the input string to later split on when decoded (s3 := s1 +
>>>>> ":" + s2 etc)?
>>>>> On Fri, 10 Mar 2023 at 10:33, Van Fury <fury...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> I have two hexadecimal string values and would like to concatenate
>>>>>> the two strings and
>>>>>>    1. encode the result to binary
>>>>>>    2. decode the resulting binary back to hexadecimal string
>>>>>> I did the following but I was finding it difficult to decode the
>>>>>> result back. I ignore error check in this case.
>>>>>> What i did so far:
>>>>>> s1 := "1d28ed66824aa2593e1f2a4cf740343f"
>>>>>> s2 := "dee2bd5dde763885944bc9d65419"
>>>>>> s3 := s1 + s2
>>>>>> s1s2Byte, _ := hex.DecodeString(s3)
>>>>>> randAutnBin := fmt.Sprintf("%b", s1s2Byte)
>>>>>> result:
>>>>>> [11101 101000 11101101 1100110 10000010 1001010 10100010 1011001
>>>>>> 111110 11111 101010 1001100 11110111 1000000 110100 111111 11011110
>>>>>> 11100010 10111101 1011101 11011110 1110110 111000 10000101 10010100 
>>>>>> 1001011
>>>>>> 11001001 11010110 1010100 11001]
>>>>>> I would like to decode the binary result back the hexadecimal string
>>>>>> to get s1 and s2.
>>>>>> Any help?
Kurtis Rader
Caretaker of the exceptional canines Junior and Hank

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