Hello folks.

I am working on writing an Interpreter (for my own programming language) 
which is written in C and I want to build a Go API for my interpreter.

My current directory structure is something like this

cpank/*.c contains the core files, stdlib contains source for standard 
library, ext curently contains 2 files xxhash.c and xxhash.h but can and 
will contain more files later.

I have tried putting the go file in main cpank directory but it fails. If I 
directly include the c files, cgo throws duplicate errors. Only thing that 
works is copying all c files from cpank, stdlib, ext and the include 
directory into the goapi directory.

Is there any way to tell cgo to compile this, this and that files like we 
use with normal c projects.

How do I make this work?

Any help or suggestions will be appreciated.

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