On Sun, Jun 4, 2023 at 9:17 AM Shulhan <m.shul...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have been reading several proposals about error handling couple of
> months ago and today a light bulb come upon me, and then I write as much
> as I can think.  I am not sure if its good or bad idea or even possible
> to implement.
> In this post, I will try as concise as possible.
> The full and up to date proposal is available at
> https://kilabit.info/journal/2023/go2_error_handling/ .
> Any feedback are welcome so I can see if this can move forward.

Thanks.  Perhaps I misunderstand, but this seems to provide a
different way of writing an if statement and a goto statement.
Instead of writing

    if err != nil {
        goto parseError

I can write

    when err handle parseError

Any change to error handling is going to affect all Go code
everywhere.  If we change anything it needs to be a big improvement.
It's not worth changing all Go code everywhere for a small
improvement.  After all, Go does work OK today for most people.  It's
not clear to me that this proposal is a big enough improvement.


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