On Sat, 2023-10-14 at 09:33 -0700, Tong Sun wrote:
> Please take a look at 
> https://go.dev/play/p/dTDR50dtHB0
> I want to
> - define my template data dynamically from yaml
> - and export the yaml data if they are unexported
> I.e., for the following code:
>       t := template.New("")
>       t, err = t.Parse("It's {{.A}} {{.B.C}}!\n")
>       if err != nil {
>               log.Fatalf("error: %v", err)
>       }
>       t.Execute(os.Stdout, m)
> The input is `map[A:Easy! B:map[C:2 D:[3 4]]]`.
> But why the template was not able to produce any output for the
> dynamic fields?

It is trying to match a string to a main.MyKey. If the only reason you
are using that type is to change the case of the key strings, I'd just
index into the lowercase, https://go.dev/play/p/wi9KICK1zmW.

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