On Sun, Dec 10, 2023 at 5:41 PM Jason E. Aten <j.e.a...@gmail.com> wrote:

> My question is: is there a way to have the Go process detect if the file it 
> is writing to has been deleted by another process (git in this case) so that 
> attempting to append to the file is no longer effective?

It is effective and [most] operations on the file continue to work as
usual. "Removing" a file, like in `os.Remove` is just removing one
reference to it. Only when the reference count drops to zero is the
file deleted.

This is, AFAIK, how nixes work and it's IMO actually a neat feature.
It enables, for example, updating files without disrupting processes
that have those files opened. Less advanced operating systems, to
achieve the same effect, have to reboot etc.

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