On Friday, January 5, 2024 at 12:59:25 AM UTC-5 Axel Wagner wrote:

3. Someone comes up with a clever new compromise. 

Here is a strawman proposal:  Allow `Nullable`:

type Nullable[T any] struct {
valid bool

By generating a compile error when a developer attempts to use a type as a 
parameter that would create ambiguity, e.g. throw a compile error on these 
lines from your examples: 

    var y X[*strings.Reader]



I do recognize that deep call stacks may cause difficulty for this 
proposal, but my logical reasoning about them (vs. me knowing how it would 
to be implemented) tells me that `main()` should be able to see the generic 
type that `F()` requires because `F()` should be able to see the generic 
type that `G()` requires which is type `X`, and type `X` implements a 
`Read()` thus making it ambiguous with `*strings.Reader`:

type X[T any] struct {

func F[T any]() {
func G[T any]() {
    var x X[T]

Unless it is effectively not possible to implement that type of logic in 
the Go compiler because of design decisions — possibly related to 
compilation performance — then it seems logical the Go compiler should be 
able to recognize the conflict and generate a compile error on such 
combinations at the point of passing the type parameter, explicitly or 

While not a perfect solution — since it would disallow edge cases where a 
developer feels they really must create a struct with both type parameters 
and use with types that create ambiguity — such a compromise would stop 
perfect from being the enemy of the good.

Anyway, as stated this is a strawman proposal. Please shoot holes in it if 
there are any opportunities to do so.


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