Here is the example in our gorocksdb:

// Get returns the data associated with the key from the database.

func (db *DB) Get(opts *ReadOptions, key []byte) (*Slice, error) {

               var (

                              cErr    *C.char

                              cValLen C.size_t

                              cKey    = byteToChar(key)


               cValue := C.rocksdb_get(db.c, opts.c, cKey, 
C.size_t(len(key)), &cValLen, &cErr)

               runtime.KeepAlive(key)  //<==this is the customization we 

               if cErr != nil {

                              defer C.rocksdb_free(unsafe.Pointer(cErr))

                              return nil, errors.New(C.GoString(cErr))


               return NewSlice(cValue, cValLen), nil


// byteToChar returns *C.char from byte slice.

func byteToChar(b []byte) *C.char {

               var c *C.char

               if len(b) > 0 {

                              c = (*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(&b[0]))


               return c

My question is: if the keepalive(key) is necessary above. Will the "key" be 
GC-ed when calling into C.rocksdb_get(). Does the compiler know there’s a 
reference to “key” (using unsafe.pointer) and not collect “key” when 
running GC?

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