On Windows, The *Setsid* does not exist, so I use the Windows Job Object to 
perform this. Here is my demostration 
hope to help others.

On Thursday, July 6, 2023 at 3:12:33 PM UTC+8 Peter Galbavy wrote:

> Yes, setsid combined with cmd.Process.Release() works for me.
> My local / specific needs code is 
> https://github.com/ITRS-Group/cordial/blob/ad18bfbfa44eff1b9b66408394dd83749da25bb1/pkg/process/process.go#L64
> which works well for everything I have thrown at it (on Linux).
> On Wednesday, 5 July 2023 at 16:23:16 UTC+1 Brian Candler wrote:
>> > Is there any way to create a child process that is detached from the 
>> original cgroup using exec.Command?
>> > I don't want my child process to be killed when the parent process 
>> dies.
>> This might be an issue with process groups, not cgroups, in which case I 
>> think Setsid is what you want, something like (untested):
>>         p.theCommand.SysProcAttr = &syscall.SysProcAttr{Setsid: true}
>>         err := p.theCommand.Start()
>> I had a related problem: I wanted to make sure that when a timeout 
>> occurs, I forcibly kill the child process and all its descendants. Solution 
>> was to use Setsid, and then send the signal to the newly-formed process 
>> group:
>> https://groups.google.com/g/golang-nuts/c/V1VccYYCp9o/m/rZRfhP_bCAAJ

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