Le 2019-03-13 03:24, Ian Denhardt a écrit :
Quoting Nicolas Mailhot (2019-03-12 04:22:45)

> In a parallel thread, a Nix developer was asking about basically the
> same use case, and was pointed at `go build -mod=vendor`. It seems like
> this does exactly what is wanted here -- just use the code we have
> locally. Nicolas, does that address your use case?

That's definitely *not* what we want (our processes call for removing
vendor and its equivalents in other languages before going to the
build step).

Not sure we're on the same page re: what was suggested. The idea is
you'd point the vendor directory at something that contains the distro's
versions of the dependencies, and use -mod=vendor to bypass all of the
smarts around fetching modules and such.

But, again, I don't *want* a vendor directory, distro or otherwise.

vendor (and GOPATH) have always been a major PITA to assemble and maintain (and I speak as the person, that wrote at least half of the code that assembles and maintains them Fedora-side).

Ideally, I'd like proper shared libs, because rebuilding every dependent on changes is an obstacle to robust security (you forget one rebuild and poof, you're owned).

Baring that, I'd settle for a directory of modules, which was what GOPROXY was supposed to deliver, before Go upstream embarked in its mad crusade to squeeze out anything between dev and production.

Nicolas Mailhot
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