On Dec 12, 2:50 pm, "a.maza" <andr.m...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have currently some troubles with logging in junit tests. In
> general, I have the following questions:
> -) According to the manuals, I could basically use any log framework
> which logs to System.out and System.err, respectively (e.g., log4j).
> However, for having a fine grained selection mechanism in the admin
> console, the use of java.util.logging (JUL) is required. Is this true,
> since the log levels of the admin console remind me rather to those of
> log4j than those of JUL.
> -) JUL logging works quite fine for running the web application on
> jetty. However, when doing junit tests, JUL does not automatically
> read the logging.properties from the file system resulting in logging
> INFO and above.
> I have learned that the logging.properties file can be set using the -
> Djava.util.logging.config.file jvm argument. However, doing this for
> every junit test is a little bit cumbersome. (i.e., not an option).
> Some websites state that setting a system property
> (java.util.logging.config.file) in the base test class may work - but
> not in my case.
> JUL would allow to read a logging.properties file from the filesystem
> using the LogManager class. However, the LogManager is a restricted
> class on GAE (also in the dev environment).
> I also thought about the option of using SLF4J with the JUL binding
> for the web application and SLF4J with a log4j binding for JUnit
> tests... but I am not sure if this works out....

Since SLF4J is just a facade it doesn't support any configuration.

>  I would be happy to hear from others how they manage logging
> (especially in JUnit tests) or any suggestions that might help...

I don't use JUL if I have a choice. With logback you can just add a
logback-test.xml to src/test/resources and you're set. For JUL
configuring argLine in the surefire plugin might be an option. You
could also put a MethodRule or some setup method an abstract super
class for all tests that set up JUL.



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