Today we released version 2.0 of Objectify-Appengine.  Objectify is a
"mid-level" persistence API for the Appengine datastore - much simpler
than JDO, much more sophisticated than the Low-Level API, much easier
to use than either!

If you are unfamiliar with Objectify, the core bullet points are:

 * Objectify lets you persist, retrieve, delete, and query your own
typed objects.
 * Objectify surfaces all native datastore features, including batch
operations, queries, entity groups, and unindexed properties.
 * Objectify provides type-safe key and query classes using Java generics.
 * Objectify provides a human-friendly query interface based on
GAE/Python's Query class.
 * Objectify does not impact application cold-start time, adding a few
milliseconds at most.
 * Objectify can automatically cache your data in memcache for
improved read performance.
 * Objectify provides a simple, easy-to-understand transaction model.
 * Objectify provides built-in facilities to help migrate schema
changes forward.
 * Objectify entities can be used in GWT without the need for Data
Transfer Objects.
 * Objectify has no external jar dependencies. Just add objectify.jar
to your project.
 * Objectify provides thorough documentation of concepts as well as use cases.

Version 2.0 introduces several major new features:

==== A new, even friendlier query API ====

The query API now works *very* much like GAE/Python:

Objectify ofy = ObjectifyService.begin();

Car car = ofy.query(Car.class).filter("vin =", "123123123").get();

Query<Comment> query = ofy.query(Comment.class).filter("rating >",
for (Comment com: query) {

for (Key<Comment> key: query.fetchKeys()) {

==== @Cached entities ====

Just put @Cached on your entity class and they will automatically be
cached in the appengine memcache service for faster, efficient reads!

public class MyEntity {
    @Id Long id;

The Objectify cache has several advantages over the public
 * Objectify caches negative results as well as positive results.
 * Objectify works correctly with transactions, bypassing the cache
for reads and only writing on successful commit.
 * Objectify allows you to turn on caching and specify a cache
expiration period on a per-entity basis.

==== @Embedded classes and collections ====

You can embed classes and collections of classes in your entities in
an indexed, queryable way.  An example:

public class DeepData {
    String foo;
    int bar;

public class ShallowData {
   @Embedded DeepData[] deep;  // or List/Set/whatever

public class MyEntity {
    @Id Long id;
    @Embedded ShallowData shallow;

You can query for instances of MyEntity that contain particular values
of 'bar' like this:

Objectify ofy = ObjectifyService.begin();

Query<MyEntity> query =
ofy.query(MyEntity.class).filter(" >", 5);
for (MyEntity entity: query) {

@Embedded classes and fields can be @Unindexed to eliminate indexing
overhead.  You can nest any number of embedded classes, although you
cannot nest any kind of collection inside embedded collections.

Unlike serialized classes, an @Embedded object graph is plainly
visible inside the datastore viewer and is plainly available to other
languages including GAE/Python.

==== @Serialized classes and collections ====

If @Embedded is too restrictive and you don't need portability or
queryability, you can annotate any field with @Serialized.  This can
be mixed and matched with @Embedded to allow you to store collections
inside an @Embedded collection.

==== Full support for datastore types (Email, Link, GeoPt, etc) in GWT ====

We provide source for all the basic datastore types in our GWT module.
 You can use this even if you aren't using Objectify's persistence


A big thanks to the rest of the Objectify team:  Matt, Scott, and Jon!


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