I have had success uploading data in bulk from Java using this RemoteDatastore code:


It is very easy to use and because it operates at the binary protocol buffer level it is very fast

Here is an example of using it to upload data:
public class UploadData
  public static void main(String[] args)
    // only call install once - often in a static initializer

    // tell remote datastore where to connect
RemoteDatastore.divert("http://myVersion.latest.myApp.appspot.com/remote-datastore ", "myApp", "myVersion");

    // use standard datastore API to get a datastore service instance
DatastoreService service = DatastoreServiceFactory.getDatastoreService();

    // create some entities
    Entity entity1 = new Entity("myKindName");
    entity1.setProperty("property1", "hello");

    Entity entity2 = new Entity("myKindName");
    entity2.setProperty("property1", "there");

// sends the data over http to your remote servlet and stores it in the live datastore
    datastore.put(Arrays.asList(entity1, entity2);

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