
I've been testing possible memory leak in my app using JDO. I created a 
small app with two servlets, the other servlet creating one small JDO entity 
and the other servlet creating an entity with Objectify. Running the test 
with JMeter I've realised the memory usage grows quite a bit when using JDO 
(same can be seen in profiler with dev server too). With Objectify the 
memory usage grows a little BUT it seems that GAE kills the instance as soon 
as it has got 9000 requests. 

I've run the (objectify) test using threaded and non-threaded mode. With 
non-threaded I'm sending about 3-4 requests per second which are being 
handled by single instance. It takes almost 40 minutes to reach 9000 
requests and then instance memory usage is about 52-58mb and latency 
22-27ms. And when 9000 requests are reached the instance is being killed. 
When I run the app threaded, I can send about 20 requests per second and it 
takes just over 7 minutes to reach that 9000 request limit (memory usage is 
usually at 53mb) and the instance is killed. With upcoming pricing model I 
pay for at least 15 minutes for each instance? Why does GAE kill my instance 
at exactly 9000 requests (no matter how soon the 9000 requests are reached 
and no matter what is the memory usage or latency)?

I was closely watching my production app and the same happens also there. 

This is output of instances in the control panel for my test app just before 
reaching 9000 requests:
QPS*Latency*RequestsErrorsAgeMemoryAvailability20.70026.8 ms897600:07:2151.8 
MBytes[image: Dynamic Icon]Dynamic
and this just seconds second later:
*Instances *[image: 
QPS*Latency*RequestsErrorsAgeMemoryAvailability0.0500.0 ms500:00:0140.3 
MBytes[image: Dynamic Icon]Dynamic

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