The new billing isn't live yet, so don't worry too much about this yet.
We'll ship a set of scheduler knobs soon so you can tweak instance

Ikai Lan
Developer Programs Engineer, Google App Engine

On Fri, Jul 1, 2011 at 10:58 AM, Ian Marshall <>wrote:

> I have just created a new (account and) application ID, in order to
> port my application to use the High Replication datastore.
> I currently have billing disabled, warm-up requests enabled, and
> thread-safe operation specified.
> I see now that the new application ID has one instance running, of age
> over 16 hours. This is despite very low usage (just my testing). Even
> over last night, when the sole usage was the firing of one scheduled
> task, this instance stayed alive. I did expect any unused instance to
> die within a matter of minutes - certainly within 15 minutes.
> One interesting thing is that before finishing yesterday evening I
> deleted all session persistent instances manually using the
> Administration Console.
> I foresee a problem when I enable billing, in that I may well be
> paying for an instance staying up when it should close (in my view)
> after being unused for 15 minutes.
> Has anyone else had this happen to them?
> --
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