It probably has to do with loading requests. Does your app take a long time
to load?

Ikai Lan
Developer Programs Engineer, Google App Engine |

On Tue, Aug 9, 2011 at 9:49 AM, WillSpecht <> wrote:

> I am have created a search bar similar to facebook that shows you
> names and pictures as you type into a search bar.  e.g. typing jo
> would bring up a drop down of "John Smith" and "Michael Jordan".  This
> works really well on the development server, and even works really
> well in production, when the user searches immediately after loading
> the page.  If I wait on the page, say 30 seconds to a min.  Then try
> and use the search bar, it takes a very long time to show the
> results.  Sometimes as long as 15 seconds, when it used to be
> immediate.  Can someone explain what is going on here.  Is there any
> way I can keep this request hot?  My search bar implements the JQuery
> autocomplete bar and uses Jquery ajax gets to fetch the results.
> --
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