What about that:
"Security and Authentication"

No server calls needed if you are ok with Google based
authentification...  Works for all resources (RPCs included)..



On Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 10:51 PM, Ikai Lan (Google) <ika...@google.com> wrote:
> Yep. Datastore call and possibly Memcache (usually when someone is banned
> they stay banned).
> A optimization here would to cache something like a bloom filter
> (http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=bloom+filter) in
> local memory, and if a user hashes to "in the set", check again to the
> datastore. This will work well because the false positives/banned users will
> be a VERY small percentage of your total user base, and it saves you the
> hassle of having to check each time. The only trick is expiring that cache:
> you might want the cache to expire every 5-10 minutes or so, which means a
> banned user isn't actually banned for that window. Also - since instances
> don't share memory, it's possible for instances to be out of sync from one
> another during that window.
> --
> Ikai Lan
> Developer Programs Engineer, Google App Engine
> plus.ikailan.com | twitter.com/ikai
> On Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 11:15 AM, Renan Mobile <renanfra...@renanmobile.com>
> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I didn't figure out another way. So i check if the user is ban in each RPC
>> call
>> Atenciosamente,
>> -----
>> Presidente Renan Franca
>> ____
>> Renan Mobile ltda: http://renanmobile.com - Soluções em Dispositivos
>> Móveis (Smartphones) com integração via web.
>> Soluções em:
>>         Android (Smartphones);
>>         Google Web Toolkit (Web);
>> 2011/8/15 Rohan Chandiramani <masterxr...@gmail.com>
>>> Greetings gentlemen,
>>> I haven't found ANY articles either here or on SO
>>> about discussing  methods of keeping the bad people out of your app, so i'l
>>> just ask it here.
>>> I want to be able to press a button that will ban the user
>>> from accessing my app and the most straightforward thing i can think of is
>>> on my one and only RPC call also check if the user is banned by checking my
>>> 'banned' table.
>>> but...
>>> This costs me a database call each time.
>>> So i'm wondering, how do all the cool developers handle this problem?
>>> Like what i'm suggesting or is there a some secret api that handles it
>>> for me.
>>> I'm not asking my users to log in.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Rohan
>>> --
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