On 31/08/2011 19:48, Simon Knott wrote:

Another developer posted that they had a massive performance improvement deploying their classes in a JAR file - see https://groups.google.com/d/msg/google-appengine/Gl7OaMOHJD8/i_ti0KceockJ for the relevant thread.

A ha!!! I have not tested as a jar yet but this sounds like exactly the problem causing some loading requests to stall. Thanks for the link :)

More questions:

Why is the time for file system access so erratic? As this is a major performance/stability variable then perhaps it should be covered in the system status pages.

Is this file system access problem somehow linked to the recent memcache issues?

Will this problem be addressed? Is it even considered a bug? Or is the advice from Googlers to always put local resources (incl classes) into a jar now and in the future? If so then it should be plastered all over the docs and every developer called up on the telephone and told to jar their apps up tight. Now!

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