I feel stupid. I've looked over lots of documentation, I've tried Google 
searches, I've searched on other sites like Stackoverflow, and I just don't 
understand this.

I have a site that allows the user to access "profiles" of imaginary people 
containing information like names and descriptions. I have links 
dynamically put on the side bar for each profile in my datastore. The links 
look like "profile.jsp?id=1", replacing 1 with whatever id that profile is.

I want to try and display the information in profile.jsp that relates to 
the id, or key, that's in the url. The thing is, I don't know how to 
structure the query. I've seen things about JDO/JDA and queries that look a 
lot like SQL on other forms, but I have no idea what those people are 
actually doing. This is the closest I've come to making this work, but it 
just returns nothing:

Query query = new Query("Entry");
query.addFilter("Key", Query.FilterOperator.EQUAL, 
PreparedQuery pq = datastore.prepare(query);
End User: <%= pq.asSingleEntity().getProperty("name") %>

What I think I'm doing is making a Query for the Kind with all the 
information, then filtering that id should equal whatever is in the Key 
spot... But that doesn't seem to be the case. Any help would be appreciated.

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