In Python, if we're using the composite() function from the Images
API, is the size of each image "layer" allowed to be <= 1MB, or does
the combined size of all the image layers have to be <= 1MB (eg. 10 x
100KB layers is allowed, but 11 x 100KB is not)?

Can we use Blobstores when using composite()?

Exactly when is the LargeImageError exception thrown? Eg. the answers
to 1. and 2. below are Yes, but what about 3. and 4.?
1. If > 1MB of data is passed as the image_data before any transforms/
composites are done?
2. If the final output data is > 1MB?
3. Can the exception be thrown during the processing of the transforms/
composites, even if the final output data is <= 1MB? If Yes, what are
the conditions that cause this?
4. If Yes to 3. => When using a Blobstore for image transforms, is the
"upper limit" for a LargeImageError exception higher than if the image
data is passed via the Image constructor?


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