How can I convert an EntityProto to a Model instance?

I have a Model method, pre_put(), that I want to call on each Model instance
before it's Put into the Datastore, using hooks (eg:

My hook code looks like this:

def hook(service, call, request, response):
    assert service == 'datastore_v3'
    if call == 'Put':
        for entity in request.entity_list():

When the hook is called and runs, I get this error:

AttributeError: EntityProto instance has no attribute 'pre_put'

Is there any way to convert the entities in request.entity_list() to their
original Models, manipulate them, and then convert them back to an
EntityProto instance? Or even better, if the EntityProto instances have
references to the actual Model instances which we can access and manipulate?
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