agreeing with ryan here that you'll need to do a pair of questions,
regardless of whether you do it via a Query or GqlQuery.

however, a better question would be: what are you trying to do, and
why do you need the first and last keys? non-relational datastores are
generally not geared up for doing counting (thus fetching the "last
key"). perhaps there is another way to accomplish your task without
doing exactly what you've described.

for example, an alternative to querying is to create another type of
entity in the datastore that stores the first key and the (current)
last key, and update that data structure as you continue to add more
applications entities into your datastore. this way you'll have a much
shorter query to perform (only one object that contains exactly what
you need).

just curious...
-- wesley
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"Core Python Programming", Prentice Hall, (c)2007,2001
"Python Fundamentals", Prentice Hall, (c)2009

wesley.j.chun :: wesc+api-at-google-dot-com
developer relations :: google app engine
@app_engine ::

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