I have experienced exactly the same problem since two weeks ago.  I have a 
system with 100 restaurantes and 1000 users working without problem, but 
suddenly, since two weeks ago, every day at rush hour, the tasks in the 
task queue have experience a long delay in their start, two weeks before 
was only 1 or 2 seconds, now if 15 to 60 seconds, impacting the user 
experience and usability.  I have to modify all the code with taskqueues 
and changing it to urlfetch request async qithout waiting for the rpc.  The 
worst is that the task are causing a dealine exeeded 123 error, losing 
between 50 to 1000 request every day.   The task and my proceses are very 
fast, the last only from 50ms to 3 seconds, not more, but I get a lot of 
them with 60000ms and more and get cancelled without starting (i have 
logging.debug message at the very begiining of every task/process that 
never get executed).  I have 2 idel instances and all the settings to 
increase the instances without restriction.  The start time of my instacnes 
is only 1 second, there are no special processes in the booting.  I have 6 
modules, separated modules for the task and the problem is affecting the 
module that call the task.add (not the module that executes the task).  I 
made all the changes to avoid datastore contention, I deactivated the logs, 
I use a lot the memcache, I changed the F1 instances to F2, ant this error 
continues.  And it APPEARED TWO WEEKS AGO.  I have 1 year and a half runing 
my app, without problems, and suddenly this problem appeared.

This is a HUUUUGE problem, it make me thing about quit GAE and search 
another provider if I don't get a solution and explanation soon.  My 
customers are very angry and everyday I loose requests (deadline exceeded 
error, I receive 2 or 3 phone calls).  My system is mission critical and 1 
munute without answers to request make my customer lose money.

If any google engineer wants more detailed, I kindly offer all my support, 
I'm engineer with near 30 years experience and 3 years working with GAE 
Python and many Google Tools (Angular, Firebase, GCP, etc).  I can bet that 
the problem is more related to the platform than to my code.

Rene Marty

El martes, 1 de diciembre de 2015, 13:03:25 (UTC-3), Jim escribió:
> Hello,
> Has anyone else noticed a lot of latency in Task Queues within the past 
> few days?  We've noticed that our push queues are backing up with 
> thousands, sometimes tens of thousands of tasks.  Nothing has changed in 
> our app or traffic profile.  Over the past few days we've seen several 
> instances where the queues just seem to stop "pushing" tasks and they fill 
> up.  We can go in and manually trigger individual tasks to run; tasks are 
> not generating errors, they're just not running automatically like they 
> should based on our configuration.  Eventually things seem to catch up 
> again.  Anyone else seeing similar behavior?
> Jim

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