Th is is a repost from

I had not answer and I wonder if either i asked on the wrong place or my 
question is not formulated  correctly, hence i riposting it here.

I have a web app hosted in Firebase in vue.js. The app access to the 
organization's main database via API to a back-end server developed in PHP 
(laravel) hosted in GAE. I'd like to know if using Firebase Cloud Function 
on the client (js) to make calls to a back end API (PHP) would help me to 
protect data and be more efficient authenticating calls from the client to 
back end.

*Currently*: Users login into the client using Firebase Auth and the client 
sends the resulting token to my back-end server on each API call. Then the 
back-end verifies the token received via HTTPS using FB Auth API and then 
if verified, the backend would return the request data via JSON back to the 
client-side via HTTPS response.

My 2 biggest concerns are:

1) would this approach scale well with more users. 2) for large extractions 
of data, i.e. 1000+ rows. I'd like to avoid to have JSON objects being 
"downloaded" on the client.

*New Scenario:* The users would still log in on the client (vue.js) using 
FB Auth, but the Client would use FB Cloud Functions to make the calls to 
the Back-End API data hosted on GAE and then return the data as an array.

The advantages I hope to utilize are: - The client will not have https 
traffic with data as this would be handled by FBCF and send to the client 
via socket (?). - Save verification auth calls from the server, *IF* there 
is a way for FBCF to make calls to GAE without the need to pass the token 
(maybe using endpoints?)

Does this make sense or am I introducing a middle man unnecessarily?

Thank you, Alex

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