*Q:* >> Do I pay for SSL for the website? Google does host the domain if 
that matters. <<

*R:* If you're using the SSL from Google ('Enable Managed Security' on 
GAE's Settings page), then it is free. It's the free certificate from Lets 
Encrypt which Google automatically renews for you every 90 days


*Q:* >> if I use the app 100% of the month do I get a discount? <<

*R:* GAE Standard gives you a *DAILY* quota of free resources. You're only 
charged for resources above this free quota.

*Q:* >> First, in standard how long does the app take to start up for a 
small WordPress site. <<

*R:* Not sure one can provide a direct response to this. I guess it depends 
on what your code does before it serves a page/request


*Q:* >> If I set the instances to 0 and 1 when the visitor is on the site 
then leaves and the instance is 0 once again. is there any noticeable lag 
for the user? <<

*R:* My experience is that there is a noticeable but not earth 
shattering/uncomfortable lag when an instance is first starting up (you're 
going from 0 to 1 instance). GAE documentation talks about having warmup 
speed things up

* .....* NoCommandLine *......*

*A GUI for Google App Engine*
On Monday, February 21, 2022 at 1:00:38 AM UTC-8 looo...@gmail.com wrote:

> 1. First, in standard how long does the app take to start up for a small 
> WordPress site.
> If I set the instances to 0 and 1 when the visitor is on the site then 
> leaves and the instance is 0 once again. is there any noticeable lag for 
> the user?
> 2. How much does it cost to run a small WordPress site with low to med 
> traffic. The app calculator is hard to understand for me.
> 3. Do I pay for SSL for the website? Google does host the domain if that 
> matters.
> 4. Is there a load balancer I pay for too or is it included?
> if I use the app 100% of the month do I get a discount?
> If I sign a contract for 1 or 3 years do I get a discount?

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