We have pushed a new Google Charts Release Candidate (RC) - V42.   This
should start to be available within a couple hours.

*Candidate release date: April 16, 2015Anticipated production release date:
as soon as May 4, but not before a frozen V41 is available.Please test this
candidate release by changing your google.load() calls to load "1.1"
instead of "1" or "1.0".  If this works for you, great.  If you find
problems, please report your issues in this forum:
<google-visualization-...@googlegroups.com>.   *

*Sometime before the production release, we will make available to you a
way for you to switch your loading of the production version (which you get
when you load "1" or "1.0") to be able to load a frozen version of V41.  So
if V42 doesn't work for you, and we can't resolve the issues in time, you
will be able to continue using V41.New features / bugs fixed:*

*Summary of changes for v42: - Corecharts:- ColumnChart, BarChart,
AreaChart, and SteppedAreaChart now support isStacked: ‘percent’ (for
scaling to 100% of data for each category) and isStacked: ‘relative’ (for
scaling to the range 0..1)- For all corecharts, the default baseline for
axes will no longer be at the edge of the chart.  The default baseline
value of 0 will be used for numeric axes, but for backward compatibility
with existing charts, it won’t automatically be included in the chart
unless it is “close enough” to the data.  You can force inclusion of the
baseline just by adding baseline: 0 to your options.  For date and datetime
axes, there is no default baseline, but you can specify one if you would
like.- Corechart legends use line, area, and point style corresponding to
each series.- All text options for corecharts now support opacity.- The
webfont loader will be used to load unknown fonts, which could cause your
chart drawing to be delayed.  Font names are case-insensitive.- Startup
animation now works with DataViews, and when combined with the async
drawing mode.- Fix clearChart, when used before the chart was first drawn.-
‘pointsVisible’ option for top-level, series, and trendlines. This option
controls whether points should be visible by default. This allows you to
change the pointSize while keeping the points hidden.- HTML tooltip
position is fixed.- Sankey:- You can now select nodes. This can be enabled
via ‘sankey.node.interactivity’: true- Adding the ability to specify Sankey
interactivity via the chart options. Options are generally specified under
the style of whatever is being specified, by adding an object with modified
style attributes at one of the following keys: 'selected', 'focused',
'unselected', 'unfocused'.- Colors- Sankey now supports the ‘style’ role-
Nodes can now be colored uniquely by setting the option
‘sankey.node.colorMode’: ‘unique’- Links can now be colored. The coloring
mode can be changed by the option ‘sankey.link.colorMode’. Valid values
are:- ‘unique’—each link gets its own color.- ‘source’—each link uses the
color of its source node.- ‘target’—each link uses the color of its target
node.- ‘gradient’—each link is colored by a gradient that goes from the
color of its source node to the color of its target node.- NOTE: If node
coloring is set to the default or the palettes for nodes and links are
different, ‘source’, ‘target’, and ‘gradient’ will use the colors that
would be assigned to the nodes if the colorMode was ‘unique’ and links and
nodes shared a palette.- The color palette for the nodes may now be changed
via ‘sankey.node.colors’- The color palette for the links may now be
changed via ‘sankey.link.colors’- Default tooltips (both HTML and SVG) can
now be generated by links and custom tooltips are supported via the
‘tooltip’ role- Timeline: - SVG tooltips are now supported.- Custom
tooltips now supported.- colors will cycle if more are required than
available.- Calendar- SVG tooltips are now supported.- Custom tooltips now
supported.- Trendlines - pointsVisible option.- Table chart- “width” and
“height” options may either be unspecified, meaning the table should shrink
as much as possible, or ‘100%’, meaning the table should expand as much as
possible.- Removed duplicate table used for frozen table header.- Frozen
columns, useful when you have more columns than will fit within available
width.  E.g. the leftmost 2 columns may be frozen with “frozenColumns”: 2.
- Specify the number of paging buttons with the “pagingButtons”: # option.
The number of rows per page will be based on that, unless you also specify
the “pageSize” option.- “rtlTable” now works with paging or scrolling, but
not (yet) with frozenColumns.- Renamed some css classes (e.g. ‘content’) to
avoid conflicts.- Material charts (Bar, Line, and Scatter, so far):- Better
support for date, datetime, and timeofday axes.- Fix sizing problems with
multiple charts on the same page.- May now be used with ChartWrapper.-
AnnotationChart:- Fixes for selecting annotations and color of range
selector.- Allow AnnotationChart to specify order of annotations table,
using table.sortAscending option.- Map- A set of coordinates is no longer
ignored if its latitude/longitude values are 0*

Daniel LaLiberte <https://plus.google.com/100631381223468223275?prsrc=2>  -
dlalibe...@google.com <dlalibe...@google.com>   5CC, Cambridge MA
daniel.lalibe...@gmail.com <daniel.lalibe...@gmail.com> 9 Juniper Ridge
Road, Acton MA

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