Done. Normally you should be able to manually continue your sync where
it left off when you receive an error such as this, so it may be worth
attempting if you encounter errors again.

As for the 502 errors, it's something we're looking in to.


On Jan 7, 7:57 am, Song1w <> wrote:
> Dear Admin,
> This is a google code hosting user.
> I applied for a new project, and
> I was trying to sync it with my source code in another SVN repository
> (now in my local PC).
> According to "How do I import an existing Subversion repository" 
> at, I was about to kick off the
> sync, but unfortunately it stops at just rev. 3... Maybe due to some
> network problem. I think it's a similar problem with what is described
> in
> .
> Now may I ask for your kindly help to reset this repository? I'd like
> to have another try.
> Thanks a lot.
> P.S. I've sometimes got the 502 error when using google code hosting
> in P.R.China area. Any suggestions to avoid this?
> Best regards,
> Song1w
> 2009-1-7
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