On Sun, Mar 8, 2009 at 20:38, Anirudh Vyas <ricky...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have been working on a project here which i call HCIS. Basically I
> created different projects which are sub projects (modules in maven
> terminology) of larger project called hcis (namely hcis-dto, hcis-core-
> engine, hcis-model, hcis-dao, hcis-ui) etc.
> When i initially created the project I hadn't thought of project going
> in this direction, so i created a single project called hcis and had
> different folders on it. But now since i have sub projects going on
> for the parent project, i want the parent hcis (i deleted it
> previously, but now i have undeleted it), but unfortunately the
> structure is old and dis-organized.
> Now my questions are:
> 1.) How do i remove the old structure of my parent hcis project, I use
> mac os x so I cant use tortoise SVN client to browse repository and
> delete the folders myself (I dont know if google code allows this). ?

Ryan answered this one just fine :)

> 2.) How do i add another project (this project will be called hcis-*),
> a sub project of the hcis? because basically google code tells me that
> I hit the account limit.

I've increased your limit, you should be able to create 10 more
projects. Let me know if you need more.

> 3.) Does google code have any maven repository of its own where i can
> deploy my project artifacts and do an mvn release:perform or something
> in those lines using my developer connection? The current release
> process is not very flexible, I have to deploy on my local repository
> and basically upload the jar file. Any suggestions on this?

As far as I know, the project hosting infrastructure does not provide
a Maven repository. However, I'm no longer working directly on the
project, so I'll let one of the Google Code engineers answer and guide
you on this one.

- Dave

> Any help would be highly appreciable!
> Thanks in advance!
> Regards
> Vyas, Anirudh
> >

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