It looks like you were able to solve this on your own since sending this
message? When I visit the image at, I see
it render right in my browser window without being offered for download, and
the same is true when I click on the image at the top of (My test environment: Safari
4 on MacOS 10.5 and Google Chrome on Windows Vista.)-Nathaniel

On Sun, Aug 23, 2009 at 5:29 PM, DirkR <> wrote:

>  Hi Everybody,
> I've been playing with the Wiki to see if we can do the things we need
> to do, and I'm having some unexpected issues with images.
> I have an image in my repo (
> PageName.attach/opensg_logo.gif), which works fine when put into a
> Wiki page (like But if
> I try to access that image directly from the repo with a browser (just
> cut-n-paste the link into your browser, or go to the page mentioned
> and click on the top image) the image is not displayed, but only
> offered for download.
> This is unexpected and not what I need... The file has the correct
> mime-type, so I've got no clue what else to do to make it work. I
> could create a Wiki page that has just that image on it, but that
> would make the Wiki very messy, as we have a fair number of those
> (currently >200). I could also link to the source browser page for the
> image, but that would add a bunch of stuff to the page that doesn't
> really add anything for an image.
> Background: we have galleries that have a bunch of user-contributed
> high-res images of projects. My current plan is to create some fixed-
> size thumbnails for those, which are displayed on the wiki-page, and
> have a link to the full-res version. I would like to avoid having to
> have a separate page for each full-res image due to the sheer number
> of pages that would create.
> Is this expected not to work? Do I need to configure the image in the
> repo differently? Any other ideas on how to do this efficiently?
> Any help welcome!
>   Dirk
> >

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