I don't know of any way to reset the history on the Project Updates
page, but if you reset your repository and re-commit all your changes, new
updates should be generated. If different users make each commit, then the
updates will be appropriately attributed to those different users.
    This all sounds a little strange though - what are you really trying to

On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 2:46 AM, Code-Biter <bitetheb...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Nov 9, 7:14 pm, Nathaniel Manista <nathan...@google.com> wrote:
> > If you want to start over, why not just undelete the project and update
> the
> > data?
> > -Nathaniel
> That's kind of dirty... we want us to notice who commited every single
> change, but there is a single user who already has re-commited all the
> changes... is there any way to reset or delete all the commits under
> 'Project Home'->'Updates' view?
> Thanks, BTB. :)
> >

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