On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 2:43 PM, Bryan Catanzaro

> Hi -
> I've been working on a project of my own for some time now, and it's
> time to open it up.  I would like to use google code for hosting.  My
> project is called Copperhead, and the name is somewhat established
> (for example, google "copperhead python" and the first link refers to
> my project).
> Unfortunately, the name seems to be in use at Google code, although it
> appears to be a zombie project.  The site has no content, except for a
> single sentence "this is a teksep mafia meating place" and no
> activity.  The main developer has no listed email address, and there
> is no mailing list for me to contact.
> Is there any way to reclaim this google code hosting account?
> http://code.google.com/p/copperhead/

On that project's front page, under "Project owners", you'll find the
username of the owner of that project. Append "@gmail.com" for their contact


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