On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 5:19 AM, demetris <kiki...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I created a project, did a reset, then a checkout, then I added my
> project files to my local copy and did a commit.
> Everything worked OK, except the Web UI of Google Code seems to be off
> by one revision, and shows “Initial Directory Structure” as my first
> revision.  (While the repo and the logs show MY first revision/commit,
> which is what I expected, of course).
> See:
> http://toytheme.googlecode.com/svn/
> http://code.google.com/p/toytheme/source/browse/
> Do I have just to wait for the Web UI to catch up to the actual state
> of the repo, or is there something else that went wrong?
> (Note that I repeated the reset a couple of times, doing a couple of
> extra commits each time, and the Web UI was always off, lagging behing
> the actual repo.)

It sounds like you were affected by issue
I've hit the cache-resetting button for you for now, but would you mind
adding these details described here to that issue?

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