On Sat, Apr 24, 2010 at 4:40 PM, iben <i...@spilled-milk.com> wrote:

> I began my project name in haste, and its not a very clear heading to
> be searched.
> Matter of fact, even I can not find my project when I search by the
> exact project name.  as3facebookgraph is the project name that I
> created and am hoping that I will somehow be able to adjust that so I
> can be better indexed our searched.

I see the project as the single result for the following search:
http://code.google.com/hosting/search?q=as3facebookgraph. Do you see this
result as well? I take it that this is different than what you saw at the
time you wrote?

This is a project for the latest Facebook API since its announced
> adjustment of their API 3 days ago.
> Please if someone has an answer as to why my project can not be found
> or if there is a way to change the project name do not hesitate to
> inform me

You mentioned that your project was new, and checking now I see that it was
created two days ago. I'm not sure that we have any guarantee that projects
will appear in project search results within moments or even hours of their
creation. It certainly seems to be there now - here's another example
project appears fifth in the results that I see).
Separately, project renaming is the most-starred
to me (and feel free to add your star if you want to see project
renaming happen, but understand that it has no bearing on project search

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