Thanks for reporting the 'Jar Of Beans' project.  I was looking for a 
competent Android emulator earlier today and located the very same XDA 
thread, along with a few others that lead me to believe that not only 
should this application be banned, but "UnrealManu" (the author) should be 
banned from XDA, and should face cybercrimes charges for surreptitiously 
attempting to infect the systems of all who downloaded his installer.

Personally, I think it's a shame that the author of that software lives in 
Italy, because if he lived in the US, he would be facing jail time for this.

I haven't personally downloaded his app, partly because it was pulled 
before I discovered the forum discussion where he pulled it because no one 
was willing to install his spyware, but mostly because it appears that the 
author knowingly implanted the malware into his installer and then goes on 
the throw a fit about it.  One of the forum posts made a perfect point in 
saying "Why didn't you simply charge money for it, if you were wanting 
money?  Adding Spyware is no way to get that" (I'm paraphrasing here, from 
memory, so that was the gist, but not the literal text).  Another user 
mentioned something  in regards to "why was he releasing a project like 
that on XDA, when XDA is a sight for open source projects?", which I also 
totally agree with.  I've been an open source advocate and user for nearly 
20 years now, and there's very little in this community that angers me more 
than when someone tries to subvert our cause, knowingly or not, by offering 
malware in the guise of Open Source or Free software.  It's bad for the 
community and bad for the movement as a whole.  I know first hand, because 
I work as a systems engineer for a state government, and I've often had to 
go on the the record in defense of choosing Open Source software for 
projects where it was a much more capable and appropriate fit than any 
available commercial-ware.

So again, thank you.  :)

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