java drives me nuts for that reason -- old versions, at least, would limit
the amount of memory you could use to some constant.  You have to run with
java -Xmx1000000000 to give it 10^9 bytes of memory; otherwise it defaults
to something absurdly small, like 32 MB.  Of course, my working knowledge is
from about 2003, so I could be wrong. :-)
On Sat, Sep 12, 2009 at 2:18 AM, ishani parekh <>wrote:

> Hi,
>     Did anyone try out coding for the Large Input set in Problem A in JAVA
> ?? The memo strategy used by some coders fails the  Java Heap Space  :(
> because the table to be maintained can get as large as 20000000 * 10  !
> Alternatively how can one decide what the upper bound of the number  for a
> given set of bases is ??
> Thanks in Advance.
> Regards,
> RosyIsh.
> >

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